Heating Installation

It’s no secret that our beloved city of New Orleans gives us some seriously unpredictable weather, so relying on a dependable heating system is the reality for a lot of homeowners. We may be known for our hot and humid summers, but our winters are nothing to play with.

That’s what makes your heating system being well-maintained so important. Being sure that your heating system is working in top shape requires regular maintenance. Optimum Air Solutions is on your side when it comes to accessing professional Heating Maintenance services in New Orleans, and today, we’ll be exploring why it’s vital to homeowners in the Crescent City!

Let’s dive in!

The Importance of Regular Heating Maintenance 

  1. Improved Efficiency and Performance

One of the biggest plusses of utilizing regular heating maintenance is the considerable boost in your system’s efficiency and performance. Over time, through use, your heating system will start to accumulate dust, debris, and some wear and tear that will hinder the ability to operate efficiently, and has to work hard to get the job done.

When your system is working harder unnecessarily, your utility bills soar. Regular maintenance helps to clear all that up. The Optimum Air Solutions team cleans and calibrates your system during your scheduled routine preventative, professional maintenance.

  1. Cost Savings and Extended Equipment Lifespan

A lot of New Orleans homeowners overlook the weight regular heating maintenance holds, almost assuming that it’s an unnecessary expense when it absolutely is not. When you’re spending money on your regular heating maintenance, consider it an investment in your comfort and the lifespan of your system. 

Our technicians come in during your scheduled maintenance and inspect all of its elements. We’re able to catch any parts that have been neglected and rectify the issue before it turns into something bigger. That way, you’re able to avoid some very costly breakdowns and downtime. 

  1. Enhanced Safety

Safety is another critical reason to be vigilant in scheduling your regular heating maintenance. When you’re housing a poorly maintained heating system, you’re posing a serious risk to you and your family. These risks can range anywhere from carbon monoxide poisoning leaks to fire hazards. 

During your scheduled maintenance visit, our experts will inspect all of your system for any potential safety hazards. Through this proactive approach, we’ll not only be able to help you secure your home’s safety; but you’ll finish the appointment with peace of mind.

Signs You Need Heating Maintenance 

There are a few telltale signs that your heating system is in need of some maintenance. Remember, regular maintenance is the very basis of preventing larger issues from occurring. Here are some symptoms to look out for:


  • Increased Energy Bills: Have you noticed a sudden spike in your utility bills? Your heating system might be working harder than it should be. More often than not, this can be remedied through a routine maintenance check-up.
  • Uneven Heating: If your home isn’t heating evenly–leaving cool spots where there shouldn’t be, that’s a clear indication that your system needs some attention. 
  • Frequent Cycling: If you notice that your system is turning on and off constantly and not achieving your desired temperature, it is definitely time for your professional routine maintenance. 

Skimping on your regular heating maintenance when you live in a city with a demanding climate like New Orleans. That’s why you have to be sure to schedule your heating maintenance with a reputable HVAC company in New Orleans. Luckily, Optimum Air Solutions is here to help! 

Get in touch with one of our specialists, and we’ll schedule a consultation. Click here to start breathing easy in the Big Easy!

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