common ac problems

Like any appliance, HVAC systems need regular maintenance in order to continue running smoothly for as long as possible. Over time, dust, clogs and other normal wear and tear can degrade your HVAC, hampering its efficiency and potentially raising your utility bills. If these problems go ignored, repairs can become a costly process rather than a minor inconvenience, as multiple parts—if not the entire system—may need to be replaced. And in the meantime, your building will be subject to the whims of New Orleans’ weather.

At Optimum Air Solutions, we have over two decades of experience servicing and replacing air conditioning and heating systems in the Greater New Orleans area. Our team knows how important a working HVAC is to preserving the comfort of your property, and we understand how stressful and costly a system breakdown can be. As such, we encourage you to plan regular preventative maintenance, allowing us to catch problems early and help you save on expensive repairs and replacements.

What is an HVAC System?

The term HVAC—that is, heating, ventilation and air conditioning—refers to the internal components which work to raise or lower temperatures and ensure the consistent circulation of fresh air. The exact composition and size of these units may vary. For example, one of the most common types of HVAC unit, the split system, requires ductwork in order to function, and has components both in and outside of your building. The more compact packaged HVAC system consists of one unit, making it beneficial for smaller properties. And ductless split systems and portable spot coolers and heat pumps are among the climate control units which do not require ducts to function. 

How Long do HVAC Systems Last with Proper Care?

Given how important air conditioning and heating are to the comfort of your household, one specific question may be on the mind of many property owners. That is, how long do HVAC systems last? 

Depending on climate, usage, insulation and ac maintenance service, the average lifespan of HVAC systems as a whole is somewhere between 10 and 25 years. However, the individual components may have different lifespans, causing partial replacements to be necessary over time. Electric furnaces, for example, may last for up to 30 years, while gas furnaces may only function for up to 20 years. Heat pumps and modern central air conditioning units are often expected to last for 15 to 20 years. And thermostats, one of the shortest-lived components, have an average lifespan of about 10 years.

Proactively Maintaining Your HVAC System:

In order to properly care for your HVAC system and extend its lifespan for as long as possible, it is important to regularly conduct preventative maintenance. As a property owner, there are some things you can do on your own, including:

  • Changing out air filters
  • Clearing away any foliage and debris which has begun to surround outdoor units in order to avoid clogs
  • Removing dust from inside and around your vents and ducts
  • Keeping your eyes, ears and nose open for leaks, strange noises or smells, uneven temperatures, higher energy bills and other signs that your HVAC system may be experiencing problems

However, this does not mean you shouldn’t have a professional look at your HVAC system once or twice a year. While dust and debris may be easy to spot, damage and other causes for concern may not be. And remember: How long HVAC systems last depends on upkeep, strain and other factors. Improperly conducted maintenance or overexertion may not only shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system, but also endanger your property and those in it.  

When you call an HVAC specialist, some of the things they may work on include:

  • A full inspection of your system, from your thermostat to your condensate drain—that is, a drain line which removes moisture from your air conditioner
  • Cleaning the entirety of your HVAC
  • Repairing or replacing damaged or ageing components
  • Scheduling any further repairs if parts need to be ordered

Benefits of Regular HVAC Maintenance and When to Schedule It:

Regular preventative maintenance may seem costly, but it can have a whole host of benefits for both you and your property. These include:

  • Catching and repairing problems early, before they become larger, more expensive issues
  • Boosting the longevity and efficiency of your HVAC system, including reducing its energy consumption and lowering your utility bills
  • Improving air quality, as a well-maintained HVAC system will exchange stale air for fresh air more quickly and reliably 
  • Upgrading equipment in order to enhance the performance and ease-of-use of your system
  • Safety and peace of mind. Faulty wiring and mechanical failures can cause fires, while humidity and excessive moisture in your HVAC system can encourage mold growth. 

In order to avoid the rush of customers looking to have their HVAC systems inspected or repaired, consider making maintenance appointments for spring and fall. While you may be wondering whether proactive maintenance really needs to be done more than once a year, at Optimum Air Solutions, we don’t want to leave your comfort and safety to chance. In order to avoid unnecessary repair costs and keep your HVAC clean and functional, our maintenance plans include twice-per-year system checks. This ensures that your HVAC system is working properly when you need it most. 

Contact Optimum Air Solutions for Quality HVAC Support and Repair

As a residential or commercial property owner, proactive HVAC Maintenance Service may seem like a costly inconvenience. But while it might appear unnecessary, it is in actuality an important tool for protecting the longevity, comfort and safety of your HVAC system and building. 

When you work with Optimum Air Solutions, you get more than just run-of-the-mill HVAC inspections and repairs. You get the services of a team with over 20 years of experience caring for our community and providing timely, high-quality support to our customers. Our team will not only clean and improve the functionality of your HVAC system, we will also keep you informed the entire time, allowing you to make decisions and stay abreast of your HVAC’s state and needs. To discuss or schedule a proactive maintenance appointment, give our team a call today.

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